Sunday 29 August 2010

A possible solution to China's month-long traffic jams?

The 3D Express Coach is a solar powered, electric bus that has a hollow bottom that allows normal traffic to pass underneath it and will go on trial by the end of the year in Beijing.

"The bus is designed to straddle two lanes at a time to let traffic pass underneath both when it is stopped and when it is in motion. In fact, it is more like a massive double-wide tram than a bus, with a fixed route and physical connection to the city’s municipal power grid.

Powered by electricity and solar energy, the zero-emission 3D bus can reach speed up to an average of 60 to 80 kilometers an hour, faster than current buses and can link well with the bus stations and overpasses while not affecting the traffic.

Only small and medium-sized vehicles will be able to pass under the bus, meaning drivers will have to be extra-vigilant. An alarm would sound if an oversized vehicle attempted to pass"

I'd ride it. It's cool and futuristic - and preferable to watching people setup food stalls next to you cos you've been stuck in a jam for weeks.

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